I'm done! I've finally lost the last 30 lbs that was hanging on after Lily. Now, I realize that some of you only gained 30 lbs total with your children. Well, in my dreams. This 30 was after the initial 20 lbs were shed. And the sad part is that I was so excited to "only" gain 50 lbs with her because with Moses I gained (doo, doo, doo) 70 lbs. Seven-O pounds. That pregnancy increased my overall weight by roughly 70% - nearly doubled my weight in 9 months. Ouch. Literally.
Now, the question you may be asking is, what the heck does she eat while pregnant? While I occasionally had a bout of 1/2 a carton of chocolate ice cream, or, say, a whole pumpkin pie, solo, by noon - I can count those occasions on, well, on 2 fingers because it happened those two times. So, I don't really know. It's a little distressing to gain that much and a little more distressing to work my butt off for 8 months after having the kiddo in order to get back to feeling like myself. Truth be told, I'm not at my pre-pregnancy weight - I'm just at a weight that I arbitrarily set for myself as a good weight for me to be. OK, not so arbitrarily, I did use the BMI chart and pictures of myself at different weights to decide.
So, I wanted to tip the hat to Weight Watchers, Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell, and Strong Women Stay Thin. I just ordered the Weight Watchers materials (core food guide, dining out guide, and point calculator) from ebay and did it on my own. I really liked that they have a point adjustment for nursing mothers - a guilt-free way to "diet"/"control portions" and nurse! And I just love the other two books, Outsmarting and Strong Women, they really keep the health perspective at the forefront and help me to not get caught up in vanity and over-concern with looking skinny. Also, they are really big on the tremendous job a women's body just did to grow a baby and how it needs some TLC during recovery while at the same time offering a kick in the butt to get back into shape eventually. They don't expect you to be near your goal until 8 or 9 months so, I'm right on track according to them :). Anyway, I've been waiting for 8 months to write this post so here it is!!! Maybe I'll add picture later today...let you in on my shame and my triumph :) Yea! Guilt-free eggnog!
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