It was a dark and stormy night, and the power was out so we were dependent on candles for our light...OK, not really - but wouldn't that have made the story exciting?
In reality Sunday morning (Dec. 13th, the day before my due date) was really gross - a "wintry mix", as they say. I was pretty clearly in early labor - having lots of braxton hicks and some real contractions and feeling nauseated and supremely cranky. Somehow we managed to bundle everyone up for Mass and walk over to the church and huddle together in an irritable, whiny clump in the corner of the cryroom. After mass the priest, Fr. O'Malley, took my arm and walked me all the way home - I must have looked pretty pathetic to illicit such kindness.
I sat around all day watching It's a Wonderful Life and trying to write Christmas cards (which, incidentally, are still in a pile at the foot of my bed) and by the time we put the kids to bed at 8 pm I began to think we'd made the switch to progressive labor. I made John read Sherlock Holmes to me while I tried to fall asleep and my complete inability to doze through contractions made it clear that the time had come to hit the road.
I was at 5 cm. in Triage and at 6 when they checked me again in the delivery room so things were definitely on the move. This would put us at about midnight on the 14th (her due date, believe it or not). I had decided to give a no-pain-meds birth a try again if this labor proved to be as efficient as Rosie's was. So we labored on until about 2 a.m. and I was ready to be done. Things were getting really intense but my water hadn't broken and since I had labored with Moses at 9.5 cm for 7ish hours before they broke my water I decided to ask if they would break it now so that I had a shot at doing this without an epidural. No such luck, the nurse said. They were bound to wait to get a 2nd round of anti-biotics into me because of the strep-B rules. Oi!
So, after realizing that this was a pretty inconvenient environment to attempt a "natural birth" in and that I was so exhausted and could not possibly labor for up to 2 more hours before pushing I decided to ask for the epidural. I got it and before the medicine even had a chance to kick in my water broke, they checked me and I was at 10 and felt the urge to push about 5 minutes later.
I pushed twice and they were saying that her head was right there and I guess they meant it because all of a sudden things hurt a lot and her head and one hand were out. The hand coming out at the same time was the cause of most of the pain. Next push she was all the way out and purply and vernixy and wonderful. She didn't have the monster cry that Rosie had, just a little kitten-cry. She was 8 lbs 1 oz, 20 and 3/4 in. long, born at 3:46 am (hence the "tired eyes" that John and I have in all the pictures) on Dec. 14th, Feast of St. John of the Cross. Her name is Cecilia Noel after St. Cecilia and the Feast of the Nativity. Not the suggested, Johnicka, after John of the cross - you're very welcome CeCe.
But at the moment she needs to nurse again and I'm 15 minutes over the time I alloted to writing this post so it's time for me to move on with life here. Welcome, Cecilia!
ReplyDeleteI know everyones birth story is so different and also for each child but I think there are a lot of things we have in common with this one! I was induced for Robby (3 weeks early) for a variety of reasons and overall things went quick-8 hours total from the start of the pit. But I really DID NOT want an epidural either--like I was totallly against it, not because I think you "get more points" for a natural child birth-cause I think as long as you get the kid out-thats great. But b/c as a nurse the ONLY thing that I've ever seen that freaked me out and made me want to pass out was watching epidurals....but I got one. And then went from 7-10 in like 5 minutes and I was mad that I got it. It didn't even work right-which was good cause I had to do some special emergency manuvers at the last minute and couldn't have if it had worked. (hands and kness and back to back a few times). glamerous.
also robby's hand came out first with his head! ouch---the fingernails were killer!!
enough about me.
Glad you are back and guess what? I'm going to get to experience the *joy* of childbirth again in August :)
So glad you're back to blogging; I've missed your updates. I love all kid stories and I can't wait to see more home make-over pictures. Life is good, isn't it? We are blessed. Congratulations on the newest little one and thanks for the birth story. :)
ReplyDeleteYay.. you are back blogging and congrats on the little one! (I still check your blog every now and again.. hoping.. :) What a wonderful blessing! I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing your story!