Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Two undergrads from the Mount interviewed us for a vocations website that they put together and not much else could mark Valentine's Day in a better way for us. The rest of the videos are just as well done so please take the time to watch the ones on priesthood and religious life - Sr. Liz had me in tear. So did my bizarro hair and lack of makeup but it's all for the kingdom, I suppose.


  1. oh i loved it! so nice to hear your voice and see your home and the kids in action! so glad you got a faith filled husband Alexis!

  2. Holy Cow, I LOVED this!! So cool to hear what you sound like -- and I think you looked beautiful, my friend. Very happy. :)

  3. You and John were exactly what I know you to be in the video - a holy, loving, beautiful couple with a passel of really, really cute kids.

  4. Dude, you're famous. :-) (CM)

  5. This is beautiful! Your family, your marriage, your faith- all so beautiful! I love your part about how married life helps you to grow in perfection by exposing your weaknesses. I've never heard this in the context of marriage, but it's true!
